zero accidents, one priority:





keeping you California compliant!

About Us

Employee safety is a priority in any business, and Safety Beyond Zero has helped our clients achieve and maintain compliance with California-specific health and safety regulations and site procedures.

Our Services

Our professionals are experienced over 40 years in assisting companies of all sizes.

CCR Requirements

Written program assistance with California Code of Regulations (CCR) requirements:


We provide assistance with Occupational Safety and Heath Administration (OSHA)

Employee Training

Site-specific training programs designed to meet regulatory requirements.


We work with

Safety Beyond Zero provides on-site occupational safety and health evaluations, recommendations for corrective actions, comprehensive health and safety program review, and training content and support for mandatory health and safety training required in the state of California. We also provide consultation and support to clients that have received Cal/OSHA citations and penalties, and we have assisted clients to navigate negotiations that will determine fines and abatement plans ordered by Cal/OSHA